Friday 17 July 2009

Couple counselling

Relationships can be difficult at the best of times, but when you are living with someone 24/7 certain things can begin to annoy, frustrate and irritate and unconsciously you can begin to think that the other person is doing things deliberately to annoy you when this may not be true at all.

Most relationships owe their problems to breakdowns in communication, misunderstandings, a word said in haste and without thinkiung.

Joan and Alan have been living together for five years. They love each other, but Joan was hurt in previous relationships and finds it hard to trust Alan and, despite his constant reassurances, she suspects that he is involved with other women. She also grew up in difficult family circumstances and these have influenced her attitude to men. She can be moody and unreasonable when they try to talk about their problems and so they end up not talking to each other for days on end. They both want to resolve this situation and achieve the relationship that they both need and want.

In the calm and peaceful atmosphere of my consulting room they are able to begin addressing their difficulties by listening to each other and getting a clearer understanding of what needs to be done in order to bring about the necessary changes.

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